Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Thinking Back

Thousand Trails Orlando, Clermont, Florida

 I have been thinking so much about what happened Christmas Day last year. I tried not to think about it, but could not help myself. Some of you may remember the Christmas Day Catastrophe when my "American Mom" treated us to a cruise around the San Diego Harbour. Through a series of  Keystone Cops-esque happenings of that day, culminating in Virginia falling backwards off a pedi-cab, the fall precipitating her slide into incapacity and her eventual death on March 11th, aged 91.

Tomorrow will be better.

Christmas Eve 2011


  1. I hope your day was much better this year!

  2. I do recall reading that post last year... but I do not recall hearing that she didnt make it. Im sorry for your painful memory.

  3. We so remember that Catastrophe, reflect on the good memories, and try to enjoy the rest of your day.

  4. We also remember that Catastrophe..and yes reflect on the good memories...
